I am working on a CRM project and facing a problem, which needs to be fixed, urgently.
In my application there is a Mailbox and there is a owner of the mailbox. At the time of loading attributes of all emails (to, bcc, cc, content, subject....etc etc) are fetched from the DB and populated in an
java object(this object contains a Vector further containg the above fields), at app server. In
JSP this object is converted to a
string containing the detail and is send to the JavaScript. Now here it(java object) is converted to a javascript variable and stored in the browser. This object is used to

pl remember this object contains information about all the emails in the mailbox)
1.update the User interface and
2. to cache the details of the emails to improve client speed and minimize the server trips.
My first purpose is solved but the second case is posing problems. This is due to the corruption of this huge javascript variable over a period of time.
Now i am planning to pass the emails information in XML format and storing the same in DOM object instead of javascript variable, but I don't know how to access XML tags from Javascript.
This is required because my code for updation of UI and cache implementation lies in the Javascript.
So can somebody tell me:
1. How to access XML tags from javascript code.
2. whether my approach to the problem is correct.
Thanks for your time and looking for help...