I want to fetch the data from database and convert the fetched data into xml document
For this u need to first figure out which data base u would be using and which programming language if the answer is Microsoft then SQL Server2000 and ADO(.net) provides u with the API so that u can directly get the data in XML else u can use any Programming language (
java ...) and any data base query the database get the result and convert the result to an XML document by using the Programming language and appropiate parser
u would need parser which can be free downloaded from the net once u decide which one u would be using
display this xml document data on the webpage and again fetching the user entered data from the webpage
for this u can use XSL(T) to render the information as HTML page and get the information back from the user or u can use a programm in ur language of choice and a parser.
converting into xml document and then storing back into the database
again u would need a program , parser to convert the data into appropiate sql satements and insert(update) data in the database
In order to do the above listed simple situation, what all should i use/download.
u would need a parser for sure and u r good to go
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer