What a gr8 timing to post this question.
I just used JAXP to execute a similar job. Let me explain how?
My requirement was to find out unique keys from 31 text files...representing 30 days
e.g. key value
"http://www.abhijit.com 5"
"URL=http://www.you.com 2"
and now write a .CSV file so that the unique keys were on the Y-axis and the values on the X-axis each one under the date for the month..
now the xml file had a structure like
<url value="http://www.abhijit.com">
<url value="http://www.you.com">
and I loaded this file as a dom tree.
read each node, got its child node, wrote the value of the attribute "value" to a text file and wrote the values of all the text nodes below the url node seperated by commas after it.
I iterated till the end of the tree and thats it!
It was all quite recursive.
Want to know more...get in touch with me!

abhijit from pune.
Ability alone is not enough for success,it must be sparked by ambition and sustained with determination [This message has been edited by Abhijit Kulkarni (edited August 28, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Abhijit Kulkarni (edited August 28, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by Abhijit Kulkarni (edited August 28, 2001).]