XSLT Specification says the following about <xsl:element> (I assume you're using xsl:element) :
If the namespace attribute is present, then it also is interpreted as an attribute value template. The string that results from instantiating the attribute value template should be a URI reference. It is not an error if the string is not a syntactically legal URI reference. If the string is empty, then the expanded-name of the element has a null namespace URI. Otherwise, the string is used as the namespace URI of the expanded-name of the element to be created. The local part of the QName specified by the name attribute is used as the local part of the expanded-name of the element to be created.
It is not said clearly (at least in my opinion) here but I guess you need to explicitly specify the namespace for your new element or it will be set to "".
[ June 19, 2003: Message edited by: Lasse Koskela ]