I am generating a pdf document from xml using XSL-FO. When i execute my code, i am able to get the output, but i need to click on the refresh button many times.
I don't understand why this is happening. Can any one Pl explain me what might be the problem
1. Have you tested it with other PC's ? 2. how does your url look like ? does it have a .pdf string at the end ? 3. are you supplying the xml and xsl at the url or inside your java xsl transformation code ?
As I recall, PDF plugins like to have a content-length to work with. It sounds like you are generating PDF output directly to the response stream so you can't set the content-length.
If this was my problem I would write the pdf to a temp file in order to be able to send the content-length correctly. That also helps with debugging the FOP since you can have the server side keep the temp file as you develop the application. I also like to keep the .fo output around during development so you can see what is being generated.
In general, I try to develop servlet applications in parts that can be tested OUTSIDE the servlet environment as much as possible - servlets have so many pitfalls. Bill
I am not able to understand why i need to refresh a lot. I am executing my code through WSAD. The URL is http://localhost:9080/PDFOutput/TestingServlet Here is my Servlet code, that is used to generate the pdf document. Here i am passing xml as String.
Instead of writing it to outputstream, try to write it to a bytearrayoutputstream and then assign it to printwriter. (by this way you can get the content length of your file then you can set the response length using resp.setContentLength(bytearrarycontent.length)
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