With reference to Ulf Dittmer's post in this
thread, I've got a question:
From what I've understood, JAXB is used by Java web services implementation to convert user-defined data classes to equivalent XML representation and vice-versa, thus enabling tier-tier communication in the web services environment.
Is there anything else to JAXB apart from this? I'm just trying to appreciate the use of JAXB from the business perspective i.e. where JAXB comes into play to solve a business problem like say process data and generate a report.
For example, suppose I've got an XML (that has an XML schema) with student grades data and I need to process this data to generate a report (which again is represented in an XML format).
Using DOM API, I can traverse the nodes in this XML using XPATH, process data and generate another XML as a report.
Can I do the same for the content tree created by the JAXB unmarshaller, without marshalling that tree to a DOM node?? If no, then what is the point? Does that mean that, in this example case, DOM should suffice and usage of JAXB may not be of any value-add or will not even make sense?
Please let me know! :roll:
Also, if you can think of a business problem that JAXB is ideally suited to solve, please share it.
Thanks for your time!
[ January 17, 2006: Message edited by: Sudha Rams ]