Thanks for the document,
But my problem is something different I want to register windows font with FOP.
To do that I have genrated respective xml files(arial.xml,arialdb.xml ) by using windows arial.ttf file
java -cp build\fop.jar;lib\avalon-framework.jar;lib\xml-apis.jar;
org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader enc ansi D:\iBOLT2.5sp6b\projects\PDFArial\fop-config\font\ariali.ttf D:/iBOLT2.5sp6b/projects/PDFArial/fop-config\xml\ariali.xml
and specified genrated xml file in configuration file(i.e userconfig.xml ) to register the windows font in FOP.
by doing all this thing also I am not get output pdf with arial font
Could you please suggest what is wrong I am doing here.