Hi All,
I am having problem in reading XML through XML.The code has to read the XML file and after reading it has to have the output in Another .txt or .Xml. My Program is working fine for Similar tags, for eg:
<jdshf>Some number</jdshf>
My Program Is taking the values inside tags "xyz","sjsjd","jdshf". It is working fine if the file is having only the same format, but My File is having another formats of XML too with some extra Tags for eg:
<if something = "xyz == 2" type "something">
<jdshf>Some number</jdshf>
I have to make the code fulfill this condition also, if it finds this <if> tag means it has to copy the contents inside that tag in a different file. So The program has to skip this tags in the first file & has to copy in the next file.
My program has to create two files,Please help me how to achive this through
Java Coding. I am facing the problem of reading the Tag Contents under <if> also in the same file because of its same tag names, plesae tell me how to do in coding.
Thanks in Advance,