I have a web application in which graph charts are displayed on the client side.
On the client side i have
JSP, OpenLaszlo Server.There is functionality for generating charts using OpenLaszlo but i don't want to use that.
The mechanism running presently in my application for generating and rendering the graph charts is as follows:
a) The data is fetched from the database,
b) Using the data obtained in step a) a graph chart(a jpg image) is generated on the server
using ChartDirector application and this generated chart's name is sent in response to the client.
But this is not a feasible way to achieve this functionality.
Thus i am looking out for some alternative tools(if possible, free/open source to use) which i can use for the generating the graph charts on the client side, using the data - for the graphs to be generated - received from the server in an XML file.
So please guide me regarding the above mentioned query.
Thanks in advance.