I heard JAXB can convert xml to java objects. Given a XML file and its schema, do I HAVE TO create java classes that map to the schema first ? If yes, is there any standard jdk tool that can help me create such java class templates using the given xml schema ??
Where did you get this old thread to start with If you just need to parse the XML and get the node values , then opt for JAXP parsers , otherwise a need to store the runtime objects then JAXB is best option
xjc JAXB compiler can be used to to convert xsd to java JAXB objects. See this and this one
How do I convert my xml line by line instead of indentation? since, one of our application expects jaxb generated output be line by line xml. if it is generated with indentation, it failed.
Ramamoorthy, perhaps you should consider starting a new thread for that question. It doesn't appear to have anything to do with the original question which this thread was based on.
And when you do that it would help if you explained the details. Such as, you didn't say what "failed" meant. And it would help if you defined non-standard terminology like "line by line" too. Possibly examples would help.
I think he's gonna try to grab my monkey. Do we have a monkey outfit for this tiny ad?