John Wetherbie
Paul Ralph
Steve Fahlbusch
Edgar Sanchez
Hoooooooo Doggy! Let here it for our four lucky winners! Yeee-haaa!!!
Here is how the winners were chosen: I went through the forum and read EVERY message posted on or after the 12th. If the author had a proper name and the message had some substance (not just "thanks" or "enter me in the contest" or "yeah, what he said") then I added the name to a list in a text file.
I ended up with 92 lines in the text file. Some names were repeated several times. I used this little program to pick a number from 1 to 92:
import java.util.* ;
public class Pick
public static void main(
String[] args )
int numPicks = Integer.parseInt( args[0] );
Random r = new Random();
for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
System.out.println( r.nextInt( numPicks ) + 1 );
NOTE: I also had a would be winner who did not include their e-mail when they registered! Tisk, tisk, tisk... I had to have the generator pick another winner because that person didn't follow the registration directions. Oh, well - better for the rest of you who did - right?
Fair enough?
Thanks to the good folks at Addison-Wesley ( http://www.Addison-Wesley.com ) for the books! Be sure to watch for our next book giveaway in the "Star Office, et al." forum coming up on the 19th.
I have to ride off into the sunset now, so I'll see ya' soon partner.
Matt Midcap
[This message has been edited by Matt Midcap (edited December 16, 2000).]