posted 21 years ago
The Jess rule language syntax is indeed LISP-like. The manual says a "stylized version" of LISP. Simple, functional code looks just like LISP: (+ (* 2 3) 2) evaluates to 8, just as in pretty much every LISP dialect there ever was.
You can write simple LISP programs in Jess and get them to work, although their performance characteristics will be different than in traditional LISP because Jess's "lists" aren't linked lists as in regular LISP, but more array-like, which makes them random-access in constant time, unlike LISP lists which you can only access in O(n) time. Of course, the downside of this is that "growing" a list is more costly in Jess. But given that Jess lets you work easily with Java objects, you could use a java.util.LinkedList object easily from your Jess code if you wanted to.
You can use Jess as a Java scripting language, if you want. You can create Java objects, call their methods, access their member variables, even lock monitors and write multithreaded code. It's actually a nice prototyping tool; you can easily create GUIs by typing a line of code at a time, and dynamically move components around to see the effect -- it's very useful actually.
But in any event, Jess isn't intended as a general-purpose LISP implementation; it's a rule language. It has many constructs (what are called "special forms" in LISP circles) that exist specifically to support writing rules. The rule engine itself -- the pattern-matcher and rule execution engine -- aren't written on top of the LISP-like platform -- they are written in Java, so they're "underneath" the LISP-like layer, and they're fast.
Why does Jess use this language? Some variation on the Jess syntax has a long history in rule-based programming circles, and therefore there's a large base of folks who already know the core of the language. Rules written in the Jess language are actually much clearer and more succinct than equivalent rules written in the more Java-like syntaxes used by some other rule engines, so I've stuck with the "stylized LISP" since Jess's inception.