Here's my scenario.
* I'm receiving a public RSA key from a C application (using openSSL library)
* I create an RSA key from the bytes I'm getting.
* I use RSA key to encrypt a
string (known to the C code), and verify that the encryption works
* I generate a payload(Triple-DES) key, encrypt it using the RSA Key, then send the raw bytes to the C code for use
* C++ code verifies for itself that it can use the tripleDes key created from my bytes to encrypt/decrypt a string
* If everythings succeeded up to this point, I once again encrypt the 'known' data - this time with the triple DES key
Currently when the C code receives my triple-DES encrypted known data, it's the right length, but when it uses the key it created earlier from my bytes to do the decryption, the known data's not there. I may be missing something basic about the key
exchange, but I've yet to catch it. I've tried both instantiating the desEde key as a Key and SecretKey. Am I correct that I can be using just one desEde key for everything? Or at least to encrypt the data?
(NOTE: All the stuff that I need to do from
java has already been done in a C++ client using Crypto5.1, and I'm getting what I can from that code...)
The C code is expecting a 32-byte array with which to construct the TripleDES(DesEde) Key for use. I havent found the exact C++ client code that encodes the 32 byte array (not for lack of looking).
I went with what seemed the standard procedure, constructing the 32 byte[] the Triple-Des key's first 16 bytes. Here's how I coded it:
All desKeyBytes = 7af82094eaf8a2a28345b3a29152d38c7af82094eaf8a2a2
first 16 bytes = 7af82094eaf8a2a28345b3a29152d38c
desKeyBytes = 070a0f08020009040e0a0f080a020a02080304050b030a02090105020d03080c
Here's how I (try to) encrypt the known data (a String - length=61). The EncodedBuffer class is one thats used for writing/reading bytes, and it works plenty of other places in the code, so I'm reasonably certain it works just fine.
paddedBytes = 3
encryptedLen = 64
plain text, x 0= XXXXXXXX
plain text, x 8= XXXXXXXX
plain text, x 16=XXXXXXXX
plain text, x 24=XXXXXXXX
plain text, x 32=XXXXXXXX
plain text, x 40=XXXXXXXX
plain text, x 48=XXXXXXXX
encryptedBuffer.getNumberOfBytesInput = 56
paddingBuffer.getNumberOfBytesInput = 5
padChar = 3
padded buffer = XXXXX
paddingBuffer.getNumberOfBytesInput = 8
encryptedBytes.length = 8