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How to search with File Name in LDAP

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Dear All,

How to search a file with file name in LDAP??

Here is my code

import javax.naming.directory.DirContext;
import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult;
import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext;
import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls;

import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import java.io.FileWriter;

import sfmshub.coms.core.utils.SFMSConstants;

public class CrlSearch
* This metood gets the file from LDAP Server
* @Throws NamingException
* @Throws Exception
* @Return String

public static void fetchFile() throws NamingException, Exception
// The search base is the level in the hierarchy
// that our search will start at. Here was use ""
// which indicates the very root of the directory.
final String strBase = "c=IN";

// LDAP filters are sort of like a WHERE clause. It
// is constructed in a standard way based on LDAP
// standards. The search here is a simple one that
// says to return any entry with an objectclass value.
// Since all entries must contain an objectclass, all
// entries will be returned.
final String strFilter = "(objectclass=cRLDistributionPoint)";

// Here we set some connection properties for JNDI.
Properties PropEnv = new Properties();

// String Variable which holds the CRL File Data
String strCrlFile = "";

// ResourceBundle for fetching crl file path and ldap ip
ResourceBundle rsBundleSecu = null;

// String for CRL File Path
String strNewFilePath;

// String for new CRL File
String strCrlFilePath;

// Setting environment for search

rsBundleSecu = ResourceBundle.getBundle("coms.core.utils.SFMSSecurityConf");

// Get LDAP ip and port and set in environment

// Get CRL File path and set in path variables
strCrlFilePath = rsBundleSecu.getString("CRLFILENAME").trim();
strNewFilePath = strCrlFilePath.substring(0,strCrlFilePath.lastIndexOf("/"));

// InitialDirCOntext with the environment
DirContext dcLdap = new InitialDirContext(PropEnv);

// SearchControls for search
SearchControls scCrl = new SearchControls();

//LDAP Search Scope is sub tree

// should return attributes common name and mail
final String returnedAttributes[] = {"cn","certificateRevocationList;binary"};

// Performing search.
NamingEnumeration neSearch = dcLdap.search(strBase, strFilter, scCrl);

// Byte array which holds the CRL File data from LDAP
byte[] byteCrlFile = null;

String strCn = null;
Attribute attr = null;

// While search results is not null or has more elements perform the operation
while ((neSearch != null) && (neSearch.hasMore()))
SearchResult srLdapSearch = (SearchResult) neSearch.next();
Attributes attrs = srLdapSearch.getAttributes();

// If attributes are null skip the process
if (attrs == null)
System.out.println("No attributes");
}// End of if

// if attributes are not null get all attributes
for (NamingEnumeration neAttributes = attrs.getAll(); neAttributes.hasMore()
attr = (Attribute) neAttributes.next();
String strAttrID = attr.getID();

for (NamingEnumeration neAttribute = attr.getAll(); neAttribute.hasMore()
if (strAttrID.equals("cn"))
strCn = neAttribute.next().toString();
}// end of else if
else if (strAttrID.equals("certificateRevocationList;binary"))
// Get the file
byteCrlFile = (byte[]) neAttribute.next();

}// End of else if

}// End of inner for

}// End of outer for

// Converts binary data to String
strCrlFile = com.security.Base64.encodeBytes(byteCrlFile);

// Write into new file
FileWriter fileWriteCrl = new FileWriter(strNewFilePath+"/newcrl.crl");
fileWriteCrl.write(SFMSConstants.strCrlHeader + strCrlFile + SFMSConstants.strCrlFooter);
}// End of else

}// End of while


}// End of try

catch (NamingException nExc)
throw nExc;
}// End of NamingException catch

catch(Exception exc)
throw exc;
}// End of Exception catch

}// End of fetchFile

}// End of CrlSearch
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