I'm a silent spectator of this wonderful site from last two months which helped me a lot to become a SCJP2. I had little experience in
java. Javaranch's "cattle drive" helped me to improve my programming skills. I always enjoyed playing rules roundup. Maha Anna's and Marcus Green's information helped me
alot. Abhilash's site will
test you on JLS and gives you confidence in specific areas.
My special thanks to Ye Zhang whose notes is really wonderful. for keeping important points regarding every complicated topic. I really thank Zhang for his notes.
Coming to my exam, it was neither tough nor very easy.. just as everyone said it could be ranked just above the middle. Regarding the number of questions in each topic, just same as everyone said. Threads need a little more effort.
Almost 75% of the questions were based on code. Though there are long codes of 30lines... you need not worry about them.. becaz the class name, method name, braces fill half of the lines.. actual code which tests you lies in between 5-7lines only.... I took almost every mockexam in Maha's page which also contributed to my success.
I'm planning to go for Developer's exam next...
All the best for the future SCJPs.