Thanks Javaranch.
I too SCJP2 with 88% yesterday (03/12/2000).
I am a regular visitor of this site. This is really very very good site for Sun certification.
I am very grateful to
Java Ranch and its members. I was very much motivated to write this exam after visiting this site.
Thanks Ajith & maraotura
I am very grateful to MS.Maha Anna. What an intelligent lady !!!
I cleared so many doubts from her discussion forum. I pray god that she should get good placement with at least 200K.
Marcus green Mocks are really good. Marcus mock-II is almost equals to real exam.
I got 52/59 in Marcus mock-II two days back. Same score I got in the real exam. Marcus tutorial is very nice.
I started learning java from June. I worked hard for certification for the past three months.
I am basically civil engineer and don�t have any programming background.
Questions are not tricky; we should be very clear with concepts. Threads are very tough; I got 6 questions, out of which 3 I made wrong

. I got a
thread deadlock Q.
Java aspirants!
Concentrate more on threads!
Be aware of deadlocks.
All the best to the
SCJP aspirants in their exam and SCJPs in their career.
Best regards
[email protected]