Hi friends,
Appa!! Cleared SJCP 2.0 with 83% today..
Not a big score, not a bad score either( this is what i feel)..
I am also in the queue of JCP holders, more privileged u know

I was a silent partner in Javaranch.. I have answered very little questions(In fact this is my first new post) and
wonder and even have felt jealous when people come up with very good questions and

My experiences and suggestions.....
I started learning
JAVA about 2 to 2.5 months before..
If I remember correctly, I started preparing for JAVA certification
from Nov 1st. So approx., 1 month of preparation.
I started off with "Complete Reference" by Patrick Noughton and
Herbert Schieldt. Read this book completely except for
Bean.. Just sweeped thru those pages.. I feel that this is a good book
for a beginner.
In November I decided that i will go for certification and then
started reading "Complete Reference" rigorously as well as looked into
certain Tutorials for JCP.
I got the Simon and Roberts, Barry Boon.. Most of them feel that these
are good books for certification. But my opinion is different.
5 days before I got Khalid's book on certification.. It is really a very good
book. U should go thru his exercises.. He really tests u very well in
concepts.. Unfortuantely I got this book offlate. Or else i feel i could have
scored more
Regarding Exam..
Exam was neither easy( so that u can score 100%) nor too tough( so that u
cannot pass ).
I took all the mock exams listed in maha anna's site..
Scored around 80-85% in JCert, Jargon, etc.,
Scored around 85-95% in Marcus Green's
Scored around 65-70% in Mughal & Khalid Exam..
Questions.. We really good. Especially in Declaration and Access Control..
lang., etc.,
Rough Distribution..
Declaration and Access Control - 6-7
Flow Control and Exception Handling - 4-5
gc - 2
Language Fundamentals - 8-10
Operators and Assignments - 5-6
Overloading , Overriding... - 5

- 7
java.awt - 4
java.lang - 5-6
java.util - 4
java.io - 5
In this Threads was the most toughest part. I had 2 theory ques.,
and 5 code.. Out of that 3 were untouchable.
A synchronised block inside a synchronised block which was inside
an anonymous inner class. Forget it.. Rest of all the sections
were ok.. Exam tests u very well in concepts.. So don't rely on
Mock exams alone.. Just try out ur own variety of programs( this is
where i lagged).
I had lot of time.. I finished the exam in 1 hr. And reviewed the
marked questions in 20 min and then took 10 min to review few
unmarked questions.
Please mark those questions which u find it as bigger. So that u
can come back to it later..
Vote of Thanks...
I would like to thank all the persons who supported me..
Especially maha anna.. for excellent collection of javaranch postings
and links...
Ajith for his invaluable contribution of answers in javaranch...
My friend Kishan Kumar ( who is also a SJCP) .
and lot more to add to the list...
If u need any help that i can do for u plz don't hesitate..
Thanks for ur time..
Best of LUCK to all of u.. for SJCP and bright future....

PS: Planning to move to Servlets and
[This message has been edited by Nijeesh BH (edited December 07, 2000).]