I passed the SCJP2 today; however, I did not do the survey questions after I completed the exam. It was definitely not my intention not to work on the survey. I already tried to report the situation to the Sun Corporation by calling them up but found the Sun's Certification Department is closed for holidays. Noboby is there to answer this sort of questions until after January 1, 2001. I am hoping that someone at this site could kindly tell me if there is any consequence for failing to answer the survey questions.
It happened this way:
After I finished the exam questions, the screen
told me to click on the "Print Result" button ( This is
not the exact name of that button, but I think you
know which button I am talking about). I clicked on
the button and expected that my exam result to show up
on the screen. After a while, I clicked on the same
button again because the screen did not react to the
mouse click. I waited a little longer, and started
clicking on the button again and again till I realized
that I might not see my exam result on the screen. I
walked out the
Test Room and found the Test
Administrator. The Test Administrator told me that
the exam result got printed from the printer behind
her desk, and we went together to see the exam result.
While I was reading my score, the printer simply
reacted to the many mouse clicks which I made in the
Test Room and kept printing many copies of my exam
result. The Test Adminstrator said that she wanted to
stop the printer and went inside the Test Room. When
I remembered that there was a survey after the exam,
the Test Administrator told me that she had cliked the
survey questions off when she was in the Test Room to
stop the very computer which I did my exam. The Test
Administrator added that the survey was not a
"required part", and it did not matter whether people
answered the survey questions or not.
First, I am uncertain about the sentence "The survey
is not required" the Test Administor told me.
Second, the survey questions were clicked off by the
Test Administrator "without my knowledge".
Does it really matter if one does not do the survey? Thanks in advance.