Thank you Lusha,
Weel regarding the score, I'l keep that a secret

, I aim was just to clear the exam and I am happy that I met my goal.
I am putting my experience and thoughts :
Certification exam is not at all difficult , it just tests you basic understanding of Java.I didn't have a programming background, started learning
Java aroung 3 months back and here I am Java certified , even I have apprehensions accepting it.
This site is the most wonderful thing I came across during my preparation.Try looking carefully at all the codes discussed here and trust me you won't find anything new on certification exams.
Do mock test, closest ones are Marcus Green's and Abhilash's . Jxam and Jquest has few good questions too.I just read RHE and some online notes which I got though this site.
Don't forget to print and keep the tread topic : Traps to be aware of in any
SCJP test started by Maha Anna few weeks back(I bet if u seach for it u'll find it).
As far as i remember , I got one question on Garbage collection , 3-4 questions on inner classes, 3-4 questions from collection , 4-5 questions from IO , 2-3 questions testing basic knowledge og Strings and
String Buffer , 4-5 questions on Exception handling ,3-4 questions on
thread 2-3 questiond on overloading/overidding and few very basic questions involving variable declarations.
Though in exams codes might look longer to you , but they are very basic.Trust me there is nothing to worry about long codes.
Once again I'll say: concentrate on basics and stop worrying.Honest efforts never goes in vain.