Every body ,
I am here going to share my experience , how I finally cleared my
SCJP examination with 91%.
I started learning
Java in May '00 without any previous experience of programming.
From day one I decided that I will master this powerful language, so for the same I
Started working very hard.I also learnt
servlet & little bit of
EJB, but seeing the tough Job Market condition I decided to clear SCJP exams & prove my worth.
I left my job of sales & since 25 'th Dec-00 I seriously started preparing for the.exams.
For me The condition was like do (or die).I used to study 12 to 14 hours a day - continuously
First I red complete reference, than BarryBoons java-2 certification guide through which I came to know that what all (syllabus) would be there in the Exams.Than I decided to go through "Thinking in java" to clear oops fundamentals. After completing these three books I felt confident & appeared for some mock exams in which I scored around 70%.for mock exams I would
like to appreciate quality & content of JQ+.I learnt a lot through mock exams. Before appearing for the finals, I also gave Marcus Green, which I found very easy & also very similar to the real exam.(scored avg.86%).
For my other friends who are planning to appear for the exams, I would like to suggest the
Following tips :
1> Be confident.
2> Read any good certification guide, through which you will get some Idea of what all Will be required for the final exams.
3> Complete Reference will be of good help, But for clearing oops concepts Thinking in Java Is the best.
4> when you complete the whole course start giving mock exams, definitely JQ+ is the best
option. Make notes of all the wrong answers that you gave in mock exams. refer to velmurugan notes too, you will come to know some finer points.
5> Finally give Marcus Green( 1,2,3), which will be closest to the main exams. Also
atleast 2 days prior to the exams don't give any mocks refer to your notes.
Anyway I found JavaRanch the best site to get your doubts cleared, participating
With somebody else doubts really helps you to concrete your concepts.
Before ending this short but long letter of mine , I would really like to thank my friend
Vijay (viju) for his contribution in motivating me , at the times when I scored less in the Mock exams.He is also appearing for the exams on 26th of this month & I wish him all The best as I will not be with him, b'z tomorrow I will be leaving for my home - town For a short break.
I would also like to thank Anshuman, my roommate, who sacrificed his TV pgmm.
& who used to get milk in the evening -- Daily -- while returning back from the Office.
With luv,
Vikas Singh.
[This message has been edited by vikas singh (edited February 15, 2001).]