I've just passed this exam this morning. Good result.
I prepared for it for 2 months, including about 2 weeks
doing something else not related to
The primary book I used is RHE. After reading this book, I planned
to take the exam, then I found this web site and a lot
of mock exams. So I put off my plan for 2-3 weeks to do
the mock exams on this site. And they helped very much.
The usual mock exam score is about 75%-85%. The easiest
is 95%, the hardest is 66%. The sample questions from SUN
I got 100%. Today I was very confident that I would pass it, the
only problem was: how much score!! It turned out: 94%, I made
only 3 mistakes.
There are not too many IO questions as other people said,
and all of them are very easy. The
thread questions are
harder. And you must know how to calculate the numbers
on paper to imitate the flow.
The first 10 questions I paid 2 min per question, then I got
relaxed. I finished all the question in 90 min. At the end
I slowed down because I know that the time is plenty. Then
I tried to check again, but I did not change anything, bacause
I trust my first reaction. So I ended that session when there
were 15 min left, because I drank too much
water this morning.
The result is better than I expected.
So, good luck, everybody.
Tips: don't drink too much water.
[This message has been edited by
ego hu (edited March 30, 2001).]