Hi everybody in this saloon,
Well as far as Rajani and Guoqiao (and possibly TVS)ends their exams let's have a bottle of Shampne Gagan(Jane 1 plz, i don't have much money, but if free then keep it up

). Leena, TVS i'll be in this site...Dave and Gaja i carefully observed ur replies (not only having beer with Jane Man

)and found u as accurate as Gagan.
Dear Cristy and Gagan, probably u'll also face one or two questions without correct number of answers or no answers. Two of my friends faced like me and if u search this site in back-date u'll get same complain from some others!

Doesn't matter 1/2 qs. Leave it! Thnx Rashmi,Padmaja,Vanitha for interest on me! Mayank, nothing to worry man, the outlook is well enough not to think abt! And of my mocks......OK!

When giving mock, i did not let me any chance to review the answers to see how many mistakes i make due to overlooking...no revision just go from first to last and finish. It resulted in plenty of overlooks though

, but i found where r my typical mistakes occurring. But ofcourse, despite of being sure of an answer if i thought that i dont know correctly abt a wrong choice (whether it's relevant with the original answer or not)i marked the question to learn something from that wrong statement. After seeing the score i went thru only the marked and wrong answers. I did not always relied on the mocks' answers, when i had a little doubt on anything and made a code for myself. If my doubt was not cleared thereafter also u were my judge...i posted my confusions and got almost all the confusions cleared by u. Thank u all.
For some theoritical quearies regarding Garbage collection and
string handling i went for Ajit Kalambella's back-dated posts along with maha anna (she was then regular here)and for Thrreads Ajit+Rahul Mahindrakar. I found pleasure like discovering pearls from the deep ocean when Ajit commented on something (his many big posts were of more than 50 lines afai remember). I got more interest becz i tried to feel the person behing the message, often saw his/her profile (i have some other personal interest beside Java). I gave my first mock which was J@Whiz at abt 10 days be4 exam scoring 85% (i m not counting Rules Roundup -- it was a nice pleasure to catch the cows and i did not let any single
cow strolling outside

)and then asked some others whether this is the same standard as real SCJP exam(yes it is!). But the following day I appeared JQ+ 1 70% and then JQ+ 2 65% and was scared

. But u fellows told me this is not so bad score initially in JQ+. Then i went for JQ+ 3 very causiously and got 85%. Then i gave Exam Prep (80%), Exam Cram(71%) RHE(80%), J@Whiz(87%) JQ+ 4(81%), Khalid Mughal(73%), JQ+ 5(73%), J@Whiz(91%) and JQ+(85%). 2 days be4 exam i gave Marcus Green 1(90%), the following day MG 2(80%) and just in the exam morning gave MG3(87%). Some of the mocks i gave when travelling in rickshaw (a three-wheel bicycle-type vehicle widely used locally) or in the restaurant while taking tea with friends -- I got this bad habit from my fellow chessmates(i m a professional chessplayer) when we used to play games without boards(mouth-by-mouth)in the tea-stall beside our chess fedaration.
I have unlimited net access in my office which hepled me to post over 300 posts within 1 & half months (my pc remains unworkable every now-and-then

). I was preapred and confident when entering the exam center so was not nervous! It was a pleasure when i could say my friends 2 days ago in a fast-food shop with Burger in my mouth that i m going to do well, (they already titled my SCJP within that time

And the rest was u wished me so much in my last post at ranch that i found myself in 90s.

I enjoyed the moments be4 and after appearing the exam upto now....
Muhammad Ashikuzzaman (Fahim)
Sun Certified Programmer For Java 2 Platform
--When you learn something, learn it by heart!
[This message has been edited by Ashik uzzaman (edited August 28, 2001).]