Hi there,
Today i have become a sun certified
java programmer(93% - 55/59)
because of your help and wishes.
Thanks to all of you It feels so nice writing this post,today.From the first day i
saw this website,i longed for this day when i would write this post at this forum.And from that day onwards the bonding between this site and me has increased each day.I have visited so many sites for
SCJP preparation,
but unarguably
this one is the Best - javaranch- a place where everybody(including all bartenders and sheriffs) are so helpful,friendly - where learning java and getting certified is
a unique experience.
Now coming to my experience on exam: 1. I was surprised to see the questions to be so simple.
Even after 10 minutes after my exam started,i could not believe
i am giving SCJP exam.
Gradually i came in line with that level and completed it - very straight forward,simple questions,only
testing your fundamental concepts.
2. I saw 1 question for which no answer was right.
the code was of only 3 lines - so no question of missing on
any word.I was sure there was no answer ,but to be doubly
sure i came and checked on my pc.
Indeed it was wrong.
But wannabe SCJP's don't worry about this because i have
checked so many posts of SCJPs
Hardly you will get 1/2 such questions.(hopefully zero)
3. I had two questions with options having not that clear language(this was really irritating).But otherwise the
question are very very very straight forward and clear.
4.There were some questions on code which did not compile.
e.g. wrong overriding
private/protected class
I just love these,so good

you do not have to go through all the web of loops and nuts in the program,just say does not compile

5.There were some questions where you need to be thourough
with loops,questions like what is the value of j on line 13
and so on.For this ,you will have to do a lot of practice
and give mocks.But for people with programming background it
should not be difficult at all.These are the questions which
take maximum time in exam,so be thorough with it.
6.Surprisingly i found no difficult question on threads.
All basic with a little of trick involved.
But please understand all the concepts with multithreading
-then this topic is very easy to score.
7.I/o - do constructors of common classes
(which class takes which parameter).
Remember which are abstract and that they cannot be
8.I got a question where tricky casting was used.RHE is sufficient for conversions and casting.
9.Lot of questions on overloading and overriding.
Be thourough with this.You must score in this topic -it is easy.
Be thourough with inner classes
Be thourough with inner classes
Be thourough with inner classes
(I hope this emphasizes it enough)
You cannot hope to score high in SCJP without being thorough
in this topic.
Do it from as many (good) books as possible.
(Special thanx to Gagan Indus who sent to me inner classes
xerox from Mughal from 1 part of country 2 the other to be
sent to me on time-Gagan i have got tired of thanking you

11.Never forget these:
=>an array no matter where it is declared will have default initializations
=>Strings are immutable(100 % you will get at least 1 question which will test this)
12.For event handling RHE is more than sufficient.
(for some tips on Collections scroll down some messages

13.Time is more than sufficient.I finished in 1 hour,then revised.So don't worry about this ,just get your concepts clear and you are through.
14. Overall it was an excellant experience.
mock exams i gave (Marcus Green's Mock exams-not something that can be missed

javaranch - 100%
Markus Green 1 - 93.33%
Marcus Green 2 - 88.33%
Marcus Green 2 - 90%
javaprepare 1- 95%(56/59)
javaprepare 2- 95%(36/38)
some others like john hunt,jxam...... but i did not keep track
of my scores.
books/notes i used 1.i started java with java2 complete reference
RHE 3.exam cram and jamie jaworski's book
I also browsed through Maha Anna's notes,Marcus green's tutorial,Jane's notes,Vel Murugan's notes,jq+ notes and others.Thanx to you all for preparing such good notes.
a small piece of advice for wannbe scjp's giving SCJP exam shortly =>Sun is indeed testing your fundamental concepts only.
So do not give every mock exam that you find.Be selective,
each question has a concept hidden with it.When you are giving mock exams,it does not matter whether you get it right or wrong at first,understand the concept behind it,and see to it that a similar question in next mock exam that you give
should be right.
=>any doubts while studying immidiately post them to this site.
=>Read the code carefully in exam.See options before you attempt to press exhibit.
e.g if options say:
prints 1
prints 2
prints 3
prints 4
then 1 thing you know that it compiles and run fine and you
only need to concentrate on what the output will be.
But if there is a option like does not compile,or does not run
first search for traps and if sure everything is fine then go
on to calculate the output.
=>I can go on and on but let me wind up.
please feel free to ask more..........
It will be my pleasure
acknowledgements I would like to thank everybody at javaranch.
My special thanx to Shrinath Rao,Gagan Indus,Valentin Crettaz,
Marcus Green,Michael Ernest,Jane,William Brogden,Marilyn deQueiroz,Manfred Leonhardt,Ersin Eser,Jose ,Gurpreet,Nain,Guoqiao, Ashik,Dave,Ragu,Shyamsundar,Yin,
Alan and many more.
Hope i didn't bore you

(actually i had some other work ,
so was a little late for this post)
After posting now i actually feel i am an SCJP
[This message has been edited by leena rane (edited November 13, 2001).]