posted 23 years ago
Dear friends,
Yesterday I appeared for exam and I scored 59% (35 questions answered)
Secion Analysis
Declaraion and access control 50%
Flow control and exception handling 42%
Garbage Collection 100%
Language Fundamentals 66%
Operators and Assignments 28%
Overloading, Overriding, Runtime Type, and Object orient. 71%
Threads 71%
java.awt package 50%
java.lang package 50%
java.util package 100% pacakge 80%
I felt really bad. I should have prepared more on operatores and assignments and exception handling. Even though I got 10 minutes to complete my last question, I have not reviewed all my answers once. I should have done that. Anyhow now it is too late and next time I will be more careful. It was really a bad luck. Anyhow I am going to appear again and I registered immediatly for next exam once I reached my home. This time I will work hard and prepare for exam. I will schedule my exam by 28th of this month. Bless me to pass this time.
Thanks for all you guys help and this great site.
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