My score wasn't great, but good enough! I couldn't have done it without Javaranch, thanks to everyone who answered my questions, and thanks in general to individuals like Valentin, Thomas Paul, Dave Vick, and Dan Chisholm(among others!). Reading your answers to posts was as useful to me as any book! Thanks again, Eric
My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted. - Steven Wright
Thanks to everyone, I appreciate the kind wishes! I only had two questions on the Collections framework on my exam, and they were pretty straightforward. I found most of the questions to be very subtle and some a bit tricky(especially the Thread questions). Be sure to really, really read the questions!!! Check the recent posts by Kathy Sierra, she definitley gives good hints!
Cheers, Eric
My theory of evolution is that Darwin was adopted. - Steven Wright
Good job Eric. What do you think about JWhiz since you mentionned that it was the only mock ressouce you relied on. Was it enough ? How do you compare the real exam to though mock exams ? do you suggest buying it ? thx
Whatever doesn't kill us ...<br />Is probably circling back for another try.<br />SCJP 1.4