Originally posted by Karthik Balasubramanian:
Hi Arpana..
Congrats...Thats a great score.
Can u help me on the following.
1. I am preparing for SCJP 1.4, planning to take the exam by Jan End. I finished Roberts, Heller book. Also I have ordered for Kathy's book. Yet to receive. Are these books enough?
What books did you use?
To what extent it was helpful?
What are all the other material did you use?
Do we have to read the entire JLS?
How many mock exams did u take?
Also give me any info, which you thing it might be useful to me...Please
Thanks in advance,
I refered robert's and khalid's book.i found khalid's book better.never tried kathy's book so i can't give you any review abot this book, though i heard that this is a great book.
i tried almost all the mock exams listed in this site ..www.levteck.com and the JQPlus.JQPlus is not for SCJP1.4, but wen i ordered for JQPLus i was panning to take SJP1.2 and later i decided to go for 1.4.still it helps me a lot in other topics.
If you can read the whole JLS, it's well n good but actually verry boring.i jes refered JLS for clearing my doubts on certain topics.
don't leave single topic as u never know which topic you will be tested on.
i refered sun's materail for assertion that is good enough..you will find it here..http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/guide/lang/assert.html
and do go for dan's exam..it's really useful.
hope this help.
[ January 15, 2003: Message edited by: Arpana Rai ]