Thanks to everyone who posted questions, answers, and tips. It has been a nerv-wracking 4 weeks, but I finally got my score back.
Grade: P
Score: 147
Section Summary Report:
General Considerations:
Maximum=58 Deductions=0 Actual=58
Documentation: Maximum=20 Deductions=0 Actual=20 GUI: Maximum=24 Deductions=8 Actual=16
Server: Maximum=53 Deductions=0 Actual=53
Total: Maximum=155 Deductions=8
Certification Score=147
A few notes that may ease some worries with the assignment.
1. Locking -> I did not change the signature of the locking method and made no attempt to associate locks / unlocks with specific clients. I interpreted the comment in the data class as an "assumption" by the previous programmer and not a requirement. I did not document this assumption.
2. GUI -> Not sure what I did wrong here. I probably lost points because my help screens displayed in modal dialogue windows and because I created custom Action classes for each action instead of using inner classes. I have worked extensively with
Java as a server-side developer and was completely new to Swing when starting the project, so I may have missed some other general Swing/GUI techniques. My GUI had search options for origin, destination. I did not include carrier and would be really suprised (more like pissed off) to find out that was the reason I lost points. The code could definately handle adding additional search criteria very easily. In order to remain in a happy place, I will assume that the deductions were due to other, more screwed up GUI code.
3. Server -> Basically one class with GUI and startup logic alltogether. (Maybe also accounts for points lost on GUI). I threw this together having spent most of the time on the client.
4. Documentation -> I did all docs in HTML. I used screenshots and in general felt like I did way more than I needed to. The other folks in the forum scared me into doing more.
5. Also, I used RMI. I chose to Decorate the Data class with a RemoteData object. I was actually worried about this after submitting since rereading the instructions clearly says to extend or modify the data class and technically I did neither. Apparently using a decorator is ok.
6. Follow up
test Like many, I fretted about the follow up test and as everyone else that has taken it will tell you, DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT. 3 questions with 1 sentence answers that you will know. (Just to be sure, review your code for 20 minutes the night before). 2 essay questions that are directly related to your design decisions.