Thanks All for your wishes..
Mandar, I wud definitely like to go for the architect exam, but I think I need to do a few projects before going for this exam.. so may be later in this yr.
Sachit, I took the Hanumant/Deshmukh book. Itz an excellent book for this exam. Since I was quite new to JSP-Servlets I had to read this book 3-4 times to actually grasp all the things. Tried to make a small application using JSP/Servlets which gave me some confidence. Finally I wrapped with solving Enthuware questions. It is a set of 420 questions, which I won at the JDiscuss site. It is an excellent collection of questions & I solved all the questions twice. Once chapter-wise & then
test wise in the last week. Also did the free mock test available.
Overall it took me 1.5 months(1 month lazy studying and 15 days aggressive studying), but I can say it was easier from
SCJP, as the scope is quite limited.
Thanks once again !!
[ March 25, 2003: Message edited by: shweta mathur ]