I've just passed 1.4 and was scored 78%. Since it is my first certificate I feel quite happy to the result.
I have 2 years of experience in C programming and have never dived in OOP before. Four months ago I quited from my last company and decided to learn
java. It took me almost 3 months to look through my first JAVA text book "thinking in java" once and another one month to specifically prepare for the exam.
Yesterday I took the exam. I believe I'm really caught by sth unusual which I would like to share with you. Six minutes before the time limit, just when I decided to submit and press the "next" botton, the system reminded me that there were 8 (by my first-eye estimate) or more questions that hadn't been finnished! You can immagine how I feel at that time. I backed to the imcompleted questions immediately and finished them in 5 minutes and 30 seconds. But this was not the end of the nightmare. When I submitted again the system reminded me that I have ten more marked answer that will be judged automaticly by the system as incorrect! Holy shit! I've always thought that marked questions should be naturally judged as what they are. I backed to clear the mark immediately but didn't succeed in clearing the last one when the system began to calculate the result automaticly.
Anyway, it turned out to be 78%. Not too good not too bad. But more than acceptable to whom had such an unusual experience.
I like java and I think I am very willing to learn more. Hope to get help from all of you. My next goal is a SCWCD certificate and the knowledge worth of it. Thank you to read my story.