Java experience: none. Previous on-the-job programming experience: 10 years. Degree: MS in CS) Final score today: 93%.
I started (7/12/2003) with "Sam's Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days" , going through
SCJP relevant chapters (did all the examples), that took 2 1/2 days. Then I went through "Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide" by Heller & Roberts, which took another 2 1/2 to 3 days. Then the final 5 - 6 days were devoted to Sierra & Bates book and mock exams. My typical mock exam scores were between 70%-80%. I always missed several questions because of the speed I was going through them (30 minutes for a 60 question exam).
My typical day was: 2-3 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the afternoon and 2-3 hours in the evening. I was taking time off for the past week and half.
For exam coverage, I feel Heller & Roberts book covers enough. However, without the detailed and humorous explanation in the Sierra & Bates book, I'd have a much harder time understanding certain concepts, which then would force me to remember too much stuff.
Of course, I want to thank everybody at JavaRanch for sharing information.
Next up: SCWCD. We'll be doing a
JSP project. Can you say "learning on the job"?