Hallo every body
i ve just finished the
test couple of hour ago.
I want to thank every body here , may be no one knows me here, but i read all the topics and i nearly know every body
i want to thank Thomas Paul, his artcils about Assertion and Collection helped me
alot in the exam.
i got this score thanks to javaranch, i learnt a lot from this site :
As for my preparation :
1- I used "The complete Jaca certification guide" - i dont advice it to anyone cause simply its incomplete
2- I did a lot of mock exam and danchisholm exams are the best , they are a bit harder than those in the exam.
3- I took me one month preparation full time knowing that i ve a short previous experience in
As for the exam :
i got a lot of question about Threads , Garbage collector, 3 questions about assertions, a lot of questions about Collection (all the answers were in the artcile of Thomas, its just about understanding collection)....
Now i am planing to take the devlopper certification, can any one advice me Good Books please
Thanks and wish good luck for the others
Radouane Oumouma