Hi all ranchers!
i gave the SCJP1.4 today and cleared it with 74%. Would like to thank this site the most for my success. It was the only site i followed on the net.
The exam was pretty simple. not as tough as i was expecting. i was scoring about 75-80% on most of the exams including the marcus green etc and was therefore in a dilemma, whether to give the exam or not. i then decided some 2 days back, that it is now or never and hence finally gave it.
My views and the study strategy:
1.Completely study all the topics related to exam and build up the concepts by taking up any good book. I used Khalid and Rasmussen which was pretty good.
2. Pay attention to the topics newly introduced in 1.4 .(Since it is likely that u would be studying from the book which does not contains them). Don�t put them for the end
3.The key to preparation is to identify the topics u are weak at. After completely studying all the topics, I gave a few mocks. And it took no time for me to understand that I am pretty weak at Threads and GC. So put a special focus on it and it essentially paid off. (There were surely 7-8 questions about Threads in the exam in which I did v.well)
http://javaranch.com/mock.jsp - there are millions of places providing u with mock tests. Bookmark this page for actually good links and follow them only. Don�t get distracted.
5.marcus green mocks - every one says they are excellent and I too don�t differ. The questions here are actually quite similar to the actual exam.
6.A very good link on tips and traps to be aware of. U cannot afford to miss it.
http://www.javaranch.com/maha/Discussions/Other_interesting_Discussions/Traps_to_be_aware_of_in_any_SCJP_test_________-_JavaRanch_Big_Moose_Saloon.htm ( My sincere thanks to Mr. Ajith Kallambella . his comments were wonderful in this
thread. Also u, Junaid Bhatra thanx !)
http://www.javaranch.com/maha/Resources/CarlsNotes.txt - real good notes. I read them in the morning, just before leaving for the exam center.
8.Javaranch Roundup Game � take it on the day before u are giving the exam. And it will help u in remembering a lot of things.
http://javaprepare.com - another good site giving u a lot of practice material.
10. Don�t panic. and sleep well!
All the best�.
(Remember, every thing started from an Object!)