Hi Claudio
I agree with Terry.
Some other things you might want to think about:
If your intent is to get certifications quickly so that you can have them on your resume, then
you should be aware that SCJD is a long process: usually around a month full time (40 hrs/week) on the project, and possibly another month before you get the results. If you need something on the board
now the n you might find that you can get SCWCD & SCBCD quicker than SCJD.
If you intend to get all the certifications sooner or later just to make you a more rounded Java programmer, then you might want to start with SCJD: as I mentioned in the previous paragraph, you have to wait until you get the results from Sun (Sun say you will get the results within 6 weeks), so if you start with SCJD then you will have something to do while you are waiting for your results. And (as one or two people currently doing SCJD have mentioned) doing SCJD first means that when you get sick of the project you can take a break and do another certification then come back to SCJD.
Good luck with whichever comes next.
Regards, Andrew