SCJP 1.4 on Saturday morning with a score of 91%. I'm pretty happy about the score, but I'd sure like to know what I missed.
My preparation method was:
Read the Sierra / Bates book twice, then once more very closely while taking notes.
Took about 12 of Dan Chisholm's mock exams and studied whatever I got wrong.
Took Marcus Green's mock exams.
Spent a lot of time poking around JavaRanch.
I wish that I had:
Gone over my notes more carefully and even typed them up.
Spent more time on the checklist things at the end of the Sierra / Bates chapters.
Read the entire
Java Language Specification instead of 75 pages.
Spent more time on threads, particularly wait(), notify(), and notifyAll().
So thanks to everyone, especially Dan Chisholm for what seems like it was a monumental effort to compile all those questions and organize them like that. I think the Web Component Developer exam is next.