Hi Guys
i passed SCJP1.4 yesterday on 6th Jan
Well my experience is people here say that exam is easy but i will say its easy than Dan's mock but difficult than Marcus.
I just scored 81 .But my exam time finished and my 6 questions remain unattempted otherwise i would have scored more..But whatever I think the score is fine but mot too good.
I advice u guys the mistake what I did: Threading questions took my time.Due to which some questions remain undone.The threading questions come in a row as if i am giving exam on
thread .What i should have done is should attempted them after doing rest so u guys take care of that.If i would have applied this then i would have scored much better.
But still whatever I attempted were mostly corect .
K&B book is really good.And i would say cram it up.Bcaz most of the questions u can do easily if u have read the book very well.Rest Dan's mock is good it will clear many of yrs Ifs and But's. ..
Thanks K&B and Dan
Cheers guys
Now i am moving to SCBCD.Which books and resouces should I go for give yr advice..
Good luck to all..