Hi there,
Kind of a silent user but thanks to this site, I just passed the exam !
I think also that I`m can be proud to be the one, and only one with the... lowest score : 73%.
What a shame ! Sorry people... with all your 90-100% notes, looks like I'm a kind of a looser !
I`ve decided 2 weeks ago to take this exam. It's been around almost 2 years that I'm doing little
Servlets &
JSP around. I took a ordinary book for certification (Sun Certification Training Guide (310-080):
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (
J2EE) Web Component Developer by Alain Trottier) and I DO NOT recommend it. I know it is hard to write a good book but I'm sorry, this book got errors and skip a lot of details at the end. Thanks A LOT to Marty Hall with is book "More Servlets & JSP", a really GREAT book.
I know I can`t talk about the exam but ... ouch ! Really theorical exam. I found so hard to find good reference to pass the exam (except for the
I'm planning to get an other exam. Any suggestions ? Most important, what are the good books related to the SCBCD or SCDJWS ? Is Sybex a good book for the
SCJD exam ?
Last question, with J2SE 1.5, should it be better for me to wait for next exams on SCJD ? What will happen for someone who is SCJP 1.2 to convert from 1.2 to 1.5 ?
Lots of questions ! heheheh
SCJP 1.2 and now : SCWCD 1.4
Failure is not an option...
It comes with the software bundle.