Hello guys,
I took my SCBCD exam on saturday after a month and a half of studying and got an amazing 100%! My average at the mock exams was 85%. I was hoping and aiming for a mark in the 90's. I can't believe I got 100% I don't feel like I know
EJB that well...
Anyway I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone on this forum for all the valuable help I have recieved.
Anyone taking the exam I suggest taking lots and lots of mock exams. I am sick of mocks right now I took so many!
For study the best book has to be HF EJB and after I learnt the main concepts I read most of the EJB 2.0 specification to learn all the finer points. These were the only things I used.
I found the best mock exams were, the one in the HF EJB book, also EnthuWare EJBPlus and softSCBCD.
I wish everyone all the best and thanks again for the help.
P.S. On to SCWCD...
[ November 16, 2004: Message edited by: James Turner ]