In fact, employers only care about whether you get certified on certain areas, but not the result I can say for fact this is not always true. This was *just* after I got my SCJP. I had applied for a job, and my resume didn't have the certification that I had *just* received. The potential employer called me and did a mini-interview on the phone.
I could tell that he wasn't really interested. I was getting the feeling that it was going to be a "don't call us, we'll call you." In fact he basically said "ok, well we'll call you later in the week..."
At this point I interjected that I had something to add to my resume, that I had just recently passed the SCJP. The employer asked "with what score" and I told him (I do forget, but I'm fairly certain I was around 95%). His interest in me must have taken a 180 turn, because the interview was scheduled for the next day, during this phone call.
So there's an employer that not only wanted to know the certification, but wanted to know the score, and based solely on that, scheduled an interview.
As it turns out, the employer was a bit of a knob that couldn't interview his way out of a paper bag. A complete waste of time on both our parts. But oh well..