I passed the SCBCD exam yesterday with 80%. Sharing some tips with the rest
of the group.
I spent a total of 2 months for the preparation. The Head First Book is the key for passing this exam. The concepts are explained in good detail.
Thanks to Kathy & Co ( U deserve an award for the Head First series)
I read all chapters once - Took me a month with approx 12 hrs study per week - Did not solve any mock exams the first time. By the time I was done with the book I had forgotten most of it even the basics.
During the second month I re-read each chapter spending more time to understanding / memorizing the concepts and took all mock exams / exercises.
(spent approx 15 hrs per week) This time it did find some place in my brain.
Referred the
EJB API lot of times.
I also referred the EJB SPEC though very sparingly. Would help if u are able to go thru the relevant topics in the spec. However I never tried out any sample programs - did not get the chance to.
(Hopefully will do that now as I am thru with the exam)
I bought Softscbcd exam software - The mock exams are very helpful in remembering what u have read in HF.
During the last one week before the exam, I attempted the free mock exams
on and exams helped the most.
I took notes with the important points while solving these exams.
The day of the actual exam I took the HF final mock
test - got 60 something
percent. Hoped that it wld steer me thru.
The actual exam is mainly a test of all ejb concepts.
Pay special attention to Code and Deployment descriptor related questions,
and exceptions ( i found the execptions related qs toughest to crack).
Transactions, EJB-QL and Security, etc in the actual exam should be easily solvable if u are able to answer the questions in the other free exams.
(remember the concepts).
All Drag-n-Drop questions are really simple - wld help if u solve these together after u have finished answering the rest of the qs.
[ June 09, 2005: Message edited by: Ram B ]