Originally posted by lalit upadheyay:
Hi Amol. I am preparing for SCJP1.4 Exam from "A Programmer's Guide to Java� Certification" by Khalid A. Mughal. I also want to perform well in the exam but i am working so i don't get enough time daily. I get sufficient time on weekends ( saturday, sunday). Can you suggest me the some study schedule/targets and no of revisions to be made before appearing for the exam.
Thanks and Congrats!!
Thanks Lalit.
In my case, I too did not get enough time on weekdays, but I made it a point to "play" the javaranch rules roundup game about 3-4 times daily till I started getting all correct always... that sort of warmed me up to the preparation. Then in the final week I read through K&B. I dont know if the choice of book you use makes a difference - but I can say that K&B definitely helped me a LOT! Also, I could read the entire SCJP portion of the book in 3 days (1 working day and 2 weekends), so after that I went to taking mock exams and reading javadocs whenever I needed to lookup an API question (or
Java Lang Spec if there was a conceptual or syntax-related doubt). I reviewed the chapter summaries in each chapter of K&B twice after I had initially read it once.
I cant say the same approach would work for someone else, but you could probably tailor the approach to suit you. I really must mention though that Dan Chisholm's tests are very good. If you do *all* of his 20 tests and are able to understand and absorb all the solutions then you know you are ready for the exam. If you have sufficient time before you take the test, maybe you could try buying his book too. (BTW, when you takes DC's tests, keep your answer sheets for all the tests you take, and write in short what went wrong with each question - that will be valuable material for review on the last day!).