/** Code speaks louder than words */
I have to say that I agree with Argah - I would definitely stick with one thing, Santana, be it either Java or .net. People in the industry (at least around here) seem to like specialists who are gurus in one thing (and its related associations) rather than people who know a little of everything and a lot of nothing.
/** Code speaks louder than words */
Keep Smiling Always — My life is smoother when running silent. -paul
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Keep Smiling Always — My life is smoother when running silent. -paul
[FAQs] [Certification Guides] [The Linux Documentation Project]
Originally posted by Santana Iyer:
I read 2 chap from HFSJ (book belongs to my friend),
I am not 100% comfortable but will be
/** Code speaks louder than words */
It's never done THAT before. Explain it to me tiny ad:
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater