Hi all,
Finally i'm ready to start the journey.....yes actually now only i'll start!!!
Well let me tell you very honestly and frankly that i started learning
Java or my first programming language from Feb 2005.
Before that i couldn't even recognize even a SOP(System.out.println()) stmt.
I started with the SUN Java tutorial, which is really good for people who don't know anything except the name, very soon i became a rancher(javararnch) by surfing. I started participating in discussion to often. I often used to sit whole night continusly for weeks(offcourse used to sleep in the mornings). Then I came accross one person named Animesh Shrivastava, who was answering all questions in the best way one could ever ans. Immediately i got in touch with him and started taking his guidance. With his advice only i started reading the JLS 2.0 for imp topics. Till then i did not touch any books. By now i'd build good confidence in OOPs, then i read K & B completly, than Khalid Mughal and then i did all questions from Dan Chisholm(believe me all) it's amazing....definitely not for the
SCJP but for building and strenthning your Java concepts. I did Marcus Green 3 mock exams also. I did 1 mock from K & B , all mocks from Dan.
Khalid Mughal is also a good book to refer as it provides with good examples and exercizes.
Most importantly i was continuosly practicing on the computer by coding whenever i'd the slightest of the doubt.
Dan has provided the best of the examples ever possible, but for 2 questions there is a worng explanation provided and that continues throughout as questions are repeated. One i remember is providing a wrong explanation that LinkedHashSet has got the put() method and thats why its performance is slow.
Otherwise all questions(too much in number) have the ultimate explanation provided.
Khalid Mughal is good for concepts required for higher studies in Java and not for the certification.
The best and the only book required just to score decently in cert. is the K&B, its concise and to the point.
Well for practicing Threads you need to have strong concepts, which is only possible by codng as the onlty questions you might find diff. is from this topic.
On the final day, i was cool and i finished the exam in 1 hr easily, i revised only for 15 mins for question which i'd marked(as there is an option to do so) then i just ended the session assummig all my ques will be right and i was dam sure to get a 100% score , but to my surprise i got 96%(59/61). Then i realised if i'd have revised all questions definitely i'd have got a 100%(as there was no topic where i faced any problem)
I know where i went wrong now, i'd doubt. The reason is oversight. That's it.....
So the moral is never be over confident otherwise you might not get what you deserve to!!!
Finally i'd like to thank all of you, Dan, Tony Morris(the "critic"), Animesh(the most) and last but not the least this web site where i did my primary education.....thanks a lot!!!
you may reach me @
[email protected] Regards,