I'm very happy with the score

, I didn't hope to score so high.
A lot, lot, lot of thanks to all the people to help me in the forums.
What I recommend:
Complete Java 2 Certification Book by Philip Heller I think that by now is the best book, the concepts are well explained. The problem is that is
INCOMPLETE. Don't go to the exam reading only this book, if you do so you will
test your luck and surely you will score low if you have the luck to pass the exam.
I don't say that it's a bad book, until K&B is realased I think that is a good option if you don't want to wait.
Whizlabs for SCJP5 Good questions, really adapted to the SCJP5 with a lot of drag and drop questions and questions about new features.
When K&B will be released I think that you possibly you won't need it. But until that I think that it's the perfect complement to the Philip Heller.
Studing the book and making all the tests from Whizlabs I think that you can be quite sure to pass.
About the test I have to say that is more difficult than the exam. And that I don't like the scoring system. I recommend you to ignore the scoring system and calculate yourself the score based on failed questions.
The 11 hard-medium questions from K&B Very good questions. I think that they are more difficult than the exam. But it's important that after doing the questions you try to learn the concepts to answer well them.
14 questions about generics http://www.javabeat.net/javabeat/scjp5/mocks/index.php?page=mock1 Very good questions about generics. Also more difficult than the exam.
But I think that is important that you learn the concepts to answer well the questions.
If you do the three tests remember that all of three are more difficult than the exam. But try to understand the concepts to do well all the tests.
For me the more tricky questions where the ones on Threads. The generics were not tricky if you understand well the concepts like that you can't add elements to a wilcard type, that List<Object> is not the parent of all lists,...
The time is OK. If you start your exam with threads don't worry, you will need a lot of time on this questions, but then you will be more fast questions.
And Good Luck,