Hi All,
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you in the SCBCD forum and to Kathy & Bert, for helping me pass the exam with such a great score! I am very relieved to have got through, as although the exam was straightforward, the preparation before was tough. I have over a year of
EJB experience but it still took me three weeks of studying full time to prepare. I hadn't much experience with Entity beans and that's where I spent most of my time. My preparation involved:
Reading the HFEJB book a number of times
Reading the spec the night before the exam, to clear up any misunderstandings
Doing the mock exams on ejbCertificate and jdiscuss.com, as well as those in HFEJB
SCEA is next. Kathy & Bert - it's a pity that you haven't got a HF book for this. You've got me through two exams, so I don't know how I'll do this one without you!
P.S. Your books are as addictive as certain narcotics!