scjp certification was eaiser than what i thought of..
but i think i should have taken some more time to get better %tage...I had only two weeks to study for the
Abt the exam....
There were 7 topics...same as mentioned in the list of objectives...
In the test, I think that the questions pertaining to each topics were clubbed toghether...
Like if questions on collection begin than 7-8 question were of collection topic...
And the toughest topic for me was threads and generics question....
I got 50% in Threads and 70% in Generics :-(
Abt the drag and drop questions....
The drag and drop Q are not so hard as touted by the many books & website .Only thing it needs some programming exp and little more time to solve than other question..There were abt 22-27 D&D questions that were divided into three sub types....
1.Program completion types..
2.Match the pairs type...
and 3.Output of program for different inputs..
1.Program completion types..this was fill in the blanks like questions.many blanks were there and we need to put proper code fragment on proper places so that the code executes as expected.The topics for there types of question we IO,reGenerics and regex.
2.Match the pairs types...In these type two colums were given and we need to drag maching pairs in relevent boxes...topics were Collection,Cohension Coupling type.
3.Output of program for different inputs..A program is givien and different input condition r given...we need to find output for perticular input...
one more imp thing abt D&D....
For these question there is a task command button on main screen...and no other information abt the question...if we click that cmd btn one popup screen will come with if we ans and close the screen and again try to open it... all our ans r be careful...dont try to reopen the question...unless for a good reason...also try to solve these questions last...(I gave test in Thomson Prometric .. may be other centers have some other procedure for D&D questions)
Thats all..hope the information is useful...ATB