Hi, just wanna share my preparation. I passed today with 85% (low...but phew!!!...thats a lot better than 67%).
1. Web Services in 24 hours book
2. Beginning
java web services...wrox i think
3. RMH book
Valentin's mapping (i selected a path that covers all the topics; includes RMH book, Blueprint, and lots of documents linked to by the mapping)
---hands on
J2EE tutorial...only the web services topics
6. JWSDP 1.6
7. #2 above (Beginning java web services book)
---mock exam
8. xyzws.com mock exam (i got 57%, 73%, 64%)
9. Sun epractice exam (i got 66%, 73%, and 77%)
10. Mikalai Zaikin's quiz and guide (i got 55.07% - i timed myself)
11. Whizlab 3 mock exams (52%, 73%, 64%)
Maybe my retention was low, so I got that low score. This is probably a span of 3 months or more.
Great comments from Peer Reynders, Mathew Philip, Petr Kleja, Uwe Schafer, Peter Cooke, Jim Ji, Wise Owen and Eddy Lee and those who replied to my messages. Thanks a lot. I might not have done it without all your replies. And thanks to my girlfriend caSey who stood by me through everything.
And lastly, I want to thank my hairdresser, the director, my supporting actor, the guy on the street, etc.
(edited apr 1)
[ March 31, 2006: Message edited by: Jesus Angeles ]