Although am not an active member of this forum,I have been refering the
SCJP tutorials and links in the site.They are exceptionally good!! Thanks a lot for putting up such an informative forum.
I could pass the SCJP1.4 with 80%.
I would like to share my experience on this exam/preparation.
I had totally no experience in
java pgmming ( although i have some knowledge abt OOPs and C++). I started preparing for the exam 2 months back and started from scratch.I made my own notes(refering 4,5 tutorials including 'Thinking in java', ) on each objective of SCJP1.4 .Once finished with all objectives ,i started doing mock exams and initially i got disappointingly low marks like 40% etc.
I made a list of difficult questions with answers from all the mock tests i did and continued practising with more and more tests(at least 2 tests daily).Finally a week before my real exam I consistently got 70%- 75% in all exams .On the previous day of my exam I just went through my notes and difficult question list I made.....and in the real exam i cud get 80%.
I felt really comfortable with the questions except for some in Threads,inner classes.Most of the questions were familiar and was very satisfied with my preparation

SO even if u don't have any experience in java pgming,you can do it if u are ready to work hard with confidence in yourself.That's my guarantee!!!