Just passed the exam with 90%
Thanks to Kathy and Bert for the marvellous book (I know you hear it every day,but I gonna repeat it anyway) and to the
java ranchers for your tips.
I'd like to say that the actual exam is easier than the tests presented in the K&B book (except for the threads questions, which are equally difficult).
Authors want to toughen us up for the
SCJP and they do so
For the people studying for the exam: if you UNDERSTAND the concepts presented in the book, it's enough to pass the exam. No additional material is needed.
So my advice is: read the book, take the master exams and repeat the cycle till you feel confident about your knowledge.
Eventually, you can take the Whizzlabs trial exam (more difficult than the actual SCJP exam) and Examulator (60 questions) (closer to the real exam).

[ October 24, 2006: Message edited by: Mateusz Kwasniewski ]