I passed the
SCJP 5.0 today morning with 87 %.
Whenever I had come to the results forum, I always used to check how others have prepared for the exam. So for all those who are like me,here is my story :
I have been working on
Java for last 10 months but not on any killer Java stuff. So whatever I needed for the code, either I got from the already existing code or the net.
3 months back, I got serious and bought Head First Java by K&B. Read that completely. 1.5 months back bought SCJP 1.5 by K&B. Read that almost completely. 3 weeks back bought whizlabs mocks .
Didnt do too well on any of these mocks . Here are my scores :
whizlabs Diagnostic: 59% , Practice
Test (57%,78%,55%,71%) ,Final 68%
K&B Mock - 54% (Till this time I didnt read the last chapter of K&B book)
Finally, I got Marcus Green's test and practice almost 50% of his questions and scored around 80-90% consistently.
During the exam today, I got little nervous that I would not be able to clear it. But somehow I kept my cool and finished the test.
Tons of Thanks to K&B for both his Books on Java,Whizlabs,Marcus Green for his nice test and ofcourse the prediction on his site(that the actual results will be around +- 3% of the scores in his mocks), Dane Allen's for his study notes and danchisholm for his chapter wise exercise tests.
And finally thanks to all those Ranchers here.Though I had been a silent member I used to read discussions regularly on the forum.