time counts
- i began to read K&B last month, 2 or 3 hours per day. this 1st half month extended study hours to 4 or 5, but also reschduled the exam to this week to take full time for last dash.
way of learning :roll:
- i divided the objectives into 3 parts: generic/collection/thread, flowcontrol/api and the rest fundamentals to satisfy the goals: simplify tasks, master basics and build most if not fully confidence before exam entry
- coding while reading, and virtual group studying: in the ranch one can really learn a lot from another
- concerning mock tests, i never cared how well i scored but i did care every tiny
test points behind even a simple question. In a
word, paint tipps and lessons onto your own image, then burn in mind so that next time could act almost by instinct.
about the exam
- What a luck! it was relatively quiet, i got pen, paper and LCD screen. the time was really enough for me to finish and double check the questions. i spotted a few minor navie errors, which unfortunately, always exist against human nature, and managed to clear 2 or 3 trickiness at the end.
Thanks to all again! Wish every SCJP wannabe fulfilled!